San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner
Mr. Robert Phillips is a renowned case law expert. Over the years, he has provided me with guidance that has never led me astray or been incorrect. I am grateful law enforcement has him and his staff as a resource. His Miranda and Search and Seizure guides are very well structured and insightful. Thank you for providing updates and helping all of us out.
Scott Thies
As a search and seizure instructor I cannot live without Robert's work. He's a great writer, funny, and works hard to train cops in knowing the law. Every officer in the Nation should read these updates, not just California.

Keep up the great job!

Anthony, Blue to Gold.
Anthony Bandiero
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
Mr. Phillips,

I want to thank you for your continued efforts in helping us "fight the
fight". The material you provide is invaluable for us all in our fight
for justice. On a daily basis our states police officers are asked to
accomplish a very difficult job while under constant scrutiny of
political zealots and the, "woke," counter culture. The only thing we
can do is forge on, stay positive and arm ourselves with training and
knowledge. It is this knowledge which you help us attain with your
publications. I firmly believe the pendulum will swing back, albeit
well after my tenure on the job. But, in the meantime, I am happy to
know you are there for us.

Thank you very much for your ongoing efforts!

And, by the way, please thank the anonymous "words of wisdom" writer who
reminds me every time I read your publication, that laughter is more
necessary nowadays than ever before!

Sgt. Chris Maurizi
LASD Homicide Bureau
Sgt. Chris Maurizi